
Posted by sbrammer | Website News,Weekly Update | Wednesday 7 December 2005 11:17 am

Man, have i been busy! Last several weeks i, along with the associate pastor have been getting things ready for Christmas Celebration that our church had this past weekend. We had four performances and 3 of the 4 were sold out. It was kinda like a dinner theater. The first half was a quartet, intermission where the guests was served dessert, and the second half was the chrurch choir. I was the light engineer, and assisted with the sound. We had run into some minor problems with the lights and flipping breakers, but solved the problem the day before the first performace.

Also i had a second interview at John Wood Comm College for a Help Desk position last week. Things went very well infact that they called my references for a reference and this afternoon at 3pm CST, i have a meeting with the VP of Business and Industry.

Are you nerdier?

Posted by sbrammer | Misc | Friday 25 November 2005 12:54 pm

I am nerdier than 75% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Black Friday

Posted by sbrammer | Weekly Update | Thursday 17 November 2005 2:38 pm

The day after Thanksgiving is known as “Black Friday”. Stores nation wide will have sales, sales and more sales on hundreds of items.

blackfriday.gottadeal.com is where you can find what items will be on sale the day after thanksgiving.

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