My Delima

Posted by sbrammer | Misc | Saturday 10 December 2005 10:46 pm

For those of you who don’t know, I was offered a position at a local community college for a Help Desk position and i accepted. Please read my previous post for my details. Anyway, my delima is that I signed up for a leadership and counciling training seminar that is a week long in February and it’s something I had to sign up for back in August. I start my new job January 3rd. I receive 12 hours of personal time starting the 12 of Janurary, and vacation time starts at the end of the month with 11.3 hours and contiues each month. The other thing is that i need to save time to go to my brother’s wedding this summer.

So, what do yoy guys think? I really would like to go to the conference, but also know that work is just as important. Back in August, i was struggling with this as well as to whether or not i should commit to going to this conference for a good three weeks.

Fianl Job Search Update

Posted by sbrammer | Weekly Update | Thursday 8 December 2005 1:31 pm

Yes, i did say Final!

Yesterday afternoon, i accepted a Help Desk position at John Wood Comm College. Hours will be 12pm – 9pm CST. Since they get a week off for christmas break, my start date isn’t until 1/3/06. That pay is alright for this area, but the benefits are awesome! I finally get health insurance again (first time in 3 yrs). Woohoo…

Actually the afternoon was like this: had a meeting with the VP of Business and Industry (who oversees the the IT Dept). Was shown around the Dept by my manager, and also was shown a couple of server closets. During all of this, they talked like i had already accepted the position, but officially had yet to be offered the job. After i got done with the tour, i went back to HR, and that is when i was offered the job. When i applied, the starting pay was 1x,xxx; then just recently they reposted it at a higher pay. So they offered me the job at the higher pay. No problem with that!

So orientation will be on 1/3/06 from 8am – 5pm, then the next day, i will start with my normal shift. I think i will like it, it will just take a little bit to get use to things, and hopefuly they won’t close down in a year or so like my previous two jobs did. That would suck. A friend told me last night, if they closed up, he would laugh. My reply to him was if they did, i would just forget working for the rest of my life.

So that’s it for now

Website Update

Posted by sbrammer | Website News | Wednesday 7 December 2005 11:18 am

I made some changes, so now you will be able to post comments without logging in\or creating an account.

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