my college is expanding again..

Posted by sbrammer | Uncategorized | Friday 27 January 2006 11:17 pm

Received an e-mail update from the college i graduated from (Pensacola Christian College) and i was reading through it, and they had a section on an expansion project for the Sports Center on campus. The current Sports Center has more than 137,000 square feet, houses modern athletic and sports facilities on two levels, including b-ball arena, 4-lane track on the upper level, and the lower level includes ice-skating rink, 12-lane bowling alley, racquetball courts, 9-hole miniature golf, table tennis, weight rooms, and snack counter. A 30-foot fountain ornaments the entry of this multipurpose sports complex. More info can be found here .

As for the 60k sq ft expansion of the Sports Center (yes, i did say 60,000 sq ft) will include a water park with 3 slides, 12′ high water fall, and several climbing walls on the ground level. The mezzanine level will include roller skating track, cardio machines, and weighting lifting. The Upper deck will have a sun deck. For detail info, click here.

For those of you who may not know, this is a very conservative christian college in Florida, and have rules that most people would probably not agree with ( i know i did), but i knew that when i went through and do not regret any of it. If i could do it over, i would still choose PCC as my college to attend. At the time i went it was only $5k\yr. Now i think it’s up to around 6k. But one thing i will say is that it is probably one of the best looking campuses i’ve been to: great looking buildings, very clean, and yes i am bias, but it’s true

This expansion kinda shock me becuase of some of the rules they have with male\female relationships, things can\cannot do with a b\f or g\f, etc, etc plus they just recently added a new 297,000- square-foot, 6,035-seat multipurpose auditorium a couple of years ago.


Posted by sbrammer | Weekly Update | Wednesday 11 January 2006 7:56 pm

Well, i haven’t updated this in a while so i guess it’s that time.

Been working at John Wood Comm College for week and a half and it’s good. Although, the evenings have been slow, but eventually that will pick up and i will be working on different projects as well.

Other than that not much going on. Oh, one more thing i need to mention about last night the 10th of Jan..

Even though i had pretty much an uneventful evening at work, my drive home was different. Forecast had chance of flurries, rain etc. Temp around 32. Left work around 9pm, and it was clear. Driving home (30 miles N) was fine up until 2 miles south of my home town. I’m driving along and i’m gaining on a truck so i prepare to go in the left lane to pass him, as i am doing so, i must have hit a slap of ice or something becuase i ended up in the median. I still had control of the car though. i just slid and when i finally stopped, i started to get back on the highway, and headed home. This time going about 45 mph. Also when all this was happening the truck was putting on his brake to see if i was going to make it out or not. Then when he saw i made it back on the highway, he contiuned. After i got home, i took a minuted to thank God for protecting me and not allowing anything to happen. After i got inside, the doorbell rang and it was the driver of the truck and i guess wanted to make sure everything was ok. i said yes, and I also thank him for slowing down for me incase i couldn’t get out.

Dilemma Solved

Posted by sbrammer | Misc | Monday 12 December 2005 1:04 pm

My dilemma is now solved. I e-mailed my soon-to-be manager and explained my situation and he said that will not be a problem.


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