Final 4 Championship Game

Posted by sbrammer | Weekly Update | Thursday 6 April 2006 9:20 pm

Watch the game last night on a video projector with a screen size of 19′ x 15′. Yes, that is in feet! It was awesome. it was a youth activity at our church last night, and the college\career class helped out during the event. not to mention the Bose sound system. Can’t wait until next year when we plan to watch the game in Hi Def.

In other news, STL Cards won the season opener yesterday against PHI. MLB is finally here. For those of you who are Cardinals fans AND use Outlook, click here to import the entire schedule into your calendar.

Last Night

Posted by sbrammer | Weekly Update | Monday 13 March 2006 10:28 am

Last night started to be awesome becuase i had went to see Rebecca St. James and Barlow Girl in concert in quincy, Il . We had awesome seats too. Two of us went from church, and met up with a friend of the other person i went with. Anyway, we were going to sit half way back in the middle section becuase the front half was marked off for gold seating ticket holders. We asked the usher if front left side was open or not. they said it was open to general admissions. So we got seats second row from the front on the left side. About 5 feet from the stage and about 2 feet from the speaker. Pictures will be in Photo Gallery.

After the concert ended around 10pm CST, we went to get autographs at the local christian bookstore. After we got our autographs and was almost to the door, they told us the sirens had gone off and we needed to stay and get away from any windows\glass. So about 20 minutes later, people were leaving. In our group, one lived 5 minutes away, one lived in hannibal, mo (20 S.), and i lived 20 minutes north in canton, mo. So the guy in hannibal called his parents to see how the weather was, and they said right now it’s clear but another is coming. So we decided to leave before another one came. On the way home, wind is blowing, lightning is everywhere, but i did not see any cows passing over the highway like in Twister. On my way home i hear the beep- beep-beep signal on the radio about every few minutes to give updates. So i knew something was coming. When i finally pulled into the driveway to our house, i heard a tornado warning for our county, the county to the south of us, and the city of Quincy. To add to all of this, i slept on a hide-a-bed in the basement. 

But i don’t think that last night driving in that beats a couple of years ago when our chruch group came back from Peoria, IL driving and we actually saw a couple of tornados, and we were driving pretty much right into the storm.


Posted by sbrammer | Uncategorized | Thursday 2 March 2006 10:45 am

Somebody showed this to me a while back, and i thought i would pass it to you for your enjoyment.

“Baby Got Book”


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