Posted by sbrammer | Uncategorized | Monday 29 January 2007 9:57 pm

 Yesterday, me, a friend from church, his friend from HS and his wife went down to STL to go to Winter Jam 2007. 6 Artists, George W. Bush impersonator John Morgan. , Andre the hollywood cowboy, and special speaker Tony Nolan.

Left after morning service, got in STL around 2pm, ate some lunch at Max and Erma’s, and was at The Family Arena a little after 3pm. Door opened at 5pm, but what some of you may not realized is that yesterday the actual temperature was 20 degrees, and the wind chill was making it feel like close to 0 degrees. I told my friend we should have brought a big 5 gallon jug of hot chocolate and sold it to sell-out crowd standing outside. The line was somewhat long when we got there to begin with, so i was wandering how long have those people been standing outside in the cold. When the doors finally opened at 5pm, i couldn’t feel my toes.

We got some decent seats too. We were about 12 rows back from the stage on the floor. One last thing: it was only $10 to get in. Well worth the price to see that many artists on one stage.

Gee, Thanks

Posted by sbrammer | Uncategorized | Sunday 14 January 2007 11:28 am

for not calling me!

This morning i wake up and get ready for church, and since i run powerpoint, i have to be there at 8:15am. So i make it to the church, park the car, and realize i double-parked. So, i TRY park correctly, but am unable to because the parking lot is a sheet of ice. So, i walk carfeully across the lot to the church to see a sign that says “Church has been cancelled today.” Gee, that would have been good to know BEFROE i got here.

(There was nothing said on the TV about church being cancelled nor was it on the website of our local TV stations).

So, i make my way back to my car, and since i can’t drive forward, i carefully backup and turn around, and finally make it to the street. Now, my car is stuck in my driveway since it is also a sheet of ice, and cannot make it in the garage. So i am going out and chip away at the ice, so i can get the car in the garage.

EDIT 9:30am
chipping away @ the ice didn’t work so i spent the last hour trying to find salt, and i ended up going to Home Depot and buying some, and now i am waiting for the salt to melt the ice just enough to get my car in (hopefully).

EDIT 10:30am
the salt worked and now my car is safe and sound in the garage.

How many of you….

Posted by sbrammer | Misc,Weekly Update | Friday 8 December 2006 11:56 pm

waste time @ work? This would include surfing the internet most of the day, checking personal emails, or even do i dare say IM all day long?

Anyway, i was at work this past week, and a friend of one of my student workers said that i needed to go to a certain website. I asked her what kind of site is it? She replied that it is a website where one can spend hours. So, i told her i would check it out. At first, i thought it might be another one of those flash-based websites with games that are addicting. However this site is different, but it is addicting. One must actually think to use this website, so for some of you who don’t think much, or try not to think, then this is not for you. However the rest of you, prepare to put your brain to work becuase knowing where to begin is only one step closer.

Enjoy and have fun.

Level 15

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