
Posted by sbrammer | Misc | Tuesday 10 April 2007 11:29 pm

Your IQ is 117 your rating is Extremely Brilliant

Your financial understanding is Wealthy

What Color Best Suits You?

You are Red! You are fiery, fierce and really hot. You love to take charge, and you are always passionate about everything that you do. You make an excellent lover even though you can come across as mean sometimes.

Same Color Test:
What Color Best Suits You?


You are Orange. You are bright, warm and inviting. You would make a great chef or leader. People love you and love to be around you. You have the grandma complex, meaning you are very sweet, and you love people. You’re good looks aren’t bad either.

Another Color Test….
What Color Are You?


Pink!…you are very kind, generous…gentle..sentimental and very fun!

Are You Really A Good Friend?
You are a so-so friend…You’re not as good as you could be, but you’re not horrible either! =) Maybe you don’t know the person as well as possible. At least you get along, and hopefully your relationship “blossoms” soon! Keep it up!

How sweet are you?
Sweet, you are fashionable!

3rd Different Color Test
What color crayon are you?

You are Orange. You are bright, warm and inviting. You would make a great chef or leader. People love you and love to be around you. You have the grandma complex, meaning you are very sweet, and you love people. You’re good looks aren’t bad either.

What Teenaged Ninja Turtle Are You?

Your a regular “Mr Fix It” you can repair just about anything, your very reserved and can be preoccupied with yourself but still think of others. Your a lover not a fighter but in your life talking is not normally an option.

What color is your brain?

You are Blue. You are calm and mellow and very serious. You like to have good clean fun. You are sensible and smart. You are very good with your money, and people turn to you often for advice.

Which Captain Jack Sparrow are you?

“your hansome captain jack.””Your very Sexy,and Girls adore you.””Sometimes you don’t want to be around girls.”Since your Hansome it shouldn’t take long to find another girl.”

which m&m are you?

You are Red! You are fiery, fierce and really hot. You love to take charge, and you are always passionate about everything that you do. You make an excellent lover even though you can come across as mean sometimes.


Posted by sbrammer | Uncategorized | Monday 9 April 2007 9:24 pm

After their 11th child, an Alabama couple decided that was enough as they could not afford a larger bed.

So the husband went to his veterinarian and told him that he and his cousin didn’t want to have any more children.

The doctor told him that there was a procedure called a vasectomy that

could fix the problem but that it was expensive. “A less costly alternative,” said the doctor, “is to go home, get a cherry bomb,(fireworks are legal in Alabama) light it, put it in a beer can, then hold the can up to your ear and count to

The Alabamian said to the doctor, “I may not be the smartest tool in the shed

but I don’t see how putting a cherry bomb in a beer can next to my ear

is going to help me.”

“Trust me,” said the doctor. So the man went home, lit a cherry bomb and put it in a beer can. He held the

can up to his ear and began to count…






(you’ll love this……)

At which point he paused, placed the beer can between his legs and resumed counting on his other hand.

This procedure also works in Tennessee, Kentucky, Malvern, Iowa, Arkansas, Mississippi, Georgia, Missouri, West Virginia and parts of Washington DC.

I’m still here

Posted by sbrammer | Uncategorized | Wednesday 4 April 2007 10:27 am

I’m still around, but haven’t got around to update this site yet, so stay tuned.

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