First Hugging, then what?

Posted by sbrammer | Weekly Update | Wednesday 7 November 2007 10:29 pm

According to several reports recently, kids have been getting into trouble for not doing drugs, cheating, or even skipping classes, BUT in trouble for hugging another student. Yes, i said hugging! So, if hugging somebody you haven’t seen in a while or giving a hug to make them feel better is out, what’s next – no hugging or slapping a butt during sporting events like volleyball or basketball on school grounds?

Give me a break!! Whoever came up with that policy was either gay or was jealous since they never got hugs when they were a kid, so what should anybody else.

Pumpkin Contest

Posted by sbrammer | Misc,Weekly Update | Tuesday 23 October 2007 10:02 am

At work this week, there is a Pumpkin contest. Click here to see some pics from that contest, including the IS Department’s very own Pumpkin PC, code name Weber.

Goodyear Blimp

Posted by sbrammer | Misc,Uncategorized,Weekly Update | Monday 24 September 2007 9:13 pm

In my photo gallery are some pics i took of the GoodYear blimp as it went by the college really close this afternoon.

The news story,along with a video clip, can be found here.

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