I hate my email right now

Posted by sbrammer | Computer Stuff,Weekly Update | Monday 6 October 2008 11:19 pm

For the last week, my primary email account (which is connected to this website) has not been working up to par. I sent a couple of emails out last week, and i was looking for a response, but did not get any. Also, i was suppose to get an email to my primary account that was also sent to my work address. I received it at work, but did not receive it at home. So, i forwarded the email from work -> home. It did not show up. During this time, i usually receive several emails to that account during the week, but received less than half of them.

So, i do some digging around with my domain settings and try something. Things seem to be working fine now. I resent those two emails and i got responses saying i sent this last week, didn’t you get this. I replied no i did not get this.

Oh, here’s something else i find interesting: some times when i click send on a reply, my reply does not go to sent items like it should. instead it goes to the folder where the original email is. So, i don’t know if it got sent or not. I assume it did.

Me not happy with this, and can’t figure out a solution and i don’t know where to start looking for a solution. Well, i do know where to start and that would be Google, but what do i type?

Election Season is here – Part Two

Posted by sbrammer | Current Events | Thursday 4 September 2008 11:32 pm
Who do you think is going to win the presidency?

A) Obama–Biden ticket
B) McCain–Palin ticket
C) Independent ticket
D) not going to vote

Part One is my previous journal.

Since i could only post a poll per journal, here’s another poll for you to answer:

Election Season is Here

Posted by sbrammer | Current Events | Thursday 4 September 2008 11:28 pm

Which conventions did you watch?

C) Both
D) niether one

The conventions are now over. Two months until e-day. Who will come out victorious – only you can decide that (that is if you are over 18 years of age)! One thing i can tell you is that this year will be one for the record books and history books to come. We will either have a black president or a woman vice president. For the next few weeks, i ask you to read up on each candidate on who they are, what they are for\against, and to see if they will be the right person to lead our great nation for the next four years.

Now, for the first time, i will do a poll (or two):

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