Everything does happen for a reason!

Posted by sbrammer | Misc | Tuesday 23 March 2010 8:51 pm

Have you wondered why some things happen, and at the time you don’t know why, but later (whether it be hours, days or years) you realize the reason. Things like being late to work one day and realizing that you missed a major accident or helping somebody with something, and years later when you need help with something, that person is ready and willing to help you. We all had those, and sometimes we become wiser but has something happened to you and you wonder why and later you still can’t figure why it happened, but it did. Here’s another good example for you to think on: you are having a bad day and you go talk (complain) to a co-worker, friend, etc about your bad day, then something happens to that other person and then you realize that your “bad” day ended up to be not so-bad after all.

Everything does happen for a reason! We may find out later why a certain event happened, or we may never find out why, but we shouldn’t keep wandering why did this happen to me or why is this happening right now. We instead should face it head on, and have a good attitude, and maybe, just maybe, we will come out of the situation stronger, and better because of it.