Pool Cleaning
This weekend I,along with several others, went to Camp Manitoumi for the annual pool cleaning that my Sunday School class does.
This is what it looks like when we start:
We use power washers to spray all that stuff off and into the deep end
And once it’s that far we waint for the pumps to drain enough water out theat we can get into the deep end and power wash the sides of it
Then when we get done with that, we use those buckets you can see floating around to dredge out all the leaves and muck till there isn’t enough left to get with the buckets.
The refilling starts. Takes about 100 hours to refill the pool back up.
While we were up there, One of the guys that went with us is used to working the night shift, so he didn’t sleep at all. So what did he do all night? Well, this is what we found the next morning when we got up…..