
Posted by sbrammer | Current Events,Family,Website News | Thursday 4 November 2021 11:32 am

Apparently brammerville.com has been unavailable for quite some time and i never even knew it until recently i had a conversation with a friend about what i used to blog. I went to my site and noticed a big error saying

“Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.”

After looking at a few articles and then finding time to read through each one while at my computer to see if I can fix it, the answer was really simple: i just needed to update Word Press. Once I did that, I was back in business, and I can once again start to blog or share some more thoughts and try to do it more on a regular basis.

Along with fixing my website, the other update i to share is what i thought was just cold turned into what i never dreamed of having or saying. Over the weekend, i never felt well, and pretty much slept. I took Monday off from work and rested. Tuesday I got up and felt fine enough to go to work, however decided to take a Covid home test to make sure it was just a cold, and nothing more. That was far from the truth! The results showed a totally different story and thus put me on a different track for the coming days. I was on the phone Tuesday morning some time talking with my employer, people who i was in contact with over the weekend, and the County Health Dept.

For me, i have been fully vaccinated since February, and just feels like i have a cold with some fatigue. Since i took a Home Test, it was also required for me to go get a Rapid Test so results could be placed into the database system and proper contact tracing could take place. Today is Thursday, and today was the first time i noticed i lost my sniffer (grant it, my sniffer does not work well), but still in a house of essentials oils, there are some oils that should smell.

Now just waiting to hear back from the contract tracing people since they left a voicemail this morning, and i called back, and waited on hold, then had chance to leave a message.

Here’s to another day of taking it easy, getting rest, and trying to get better! 🙂 🙂