IL Minimum wage increase proposed

Posted by sbrammer | Current Events,Weekly Update | Friday 11 February 2011 6:51 pm

I just heard this on the evening news, and it is almost making me sick. There are interest groups in the state that would like to have the minimum wage rate increase over the next four yrs and in the end, it would be $10.65\hr in 2014.

Article One

Article Two

Article Three

Article Four

The governor’s office said they would review the legislation but wouldn’t commit to the idea of raising minimum wages. I was glad to read that, but if they do raise minimum wage to over $10\hr, what will businesses do with those PT or even FT employees that are currently making $10\hr or a couple of dollars above that? Will they have to give those employees a raise to compensate them?

Over the yrs, i have blogged several times on this subject, so i won’t go into detail on my thoughts here, but just give you links below to read them. I would just like to say, i really hope this does NOT happen. Not only will it costs the employer more to pay minimum wage workers, but they will need to do something to compensate those workers who are currently making that amount. I would sure not want to be making the same (or just slightly higher) as a person who is making minimum wage, who only works 1/3 of the time.

Here’s my previous posts on my thoughts about the IL minimum wage increase:

Summer 2007 Blog Update

Spring 2008 Blog Update

Summer 2008 Blog Update

Snowpocalypse 2011: Aftermath

Posted by sbrammer | Current Events | Wednesday 2 February 2011 7:36 pm

After a day of snow, snow, and lots of blowing snow, it was time to face the aftermath. So, i started Phase Two of Project Driveway Shovel. Phase One was shoveling my driveway Tuesday afternoon. I shoveled a majority of the driveway, and then my neighbor came over with his snow blower and helped me with the rest. However that was not the highlight of the morning, however due to personal reasons, i will not disclose the highlight of my morning. 🙂 However, i have made a mental note to NEVER, EVER, EVER to THAT again!

During the noon hour, i found out that John Wood received the triple crown when it comes to having snow days. Technically, it’s more like 3.5 days since we got Monday afternoon off as well.

I then spent the rest of the afternoon inside watching a movie over and over and over again. 🙂 I also decided that after two days of working on my stupid computer to try to figure out why it won’t boot, i reinstalled Windows 7. I’ve done research on the internet, and couldn’t find much useful help, so hopefully i won’t lose much data.

Now tomorrow on the agenda is to bake yummmy cookies, and maybe venture out.

Snowpocalypse 2011:

Posted by sbrammer | Current Events | Tuesday 1 February 2011 1:37 pm

Strap down the hatches, and get someplace safe as we are in the middle of Snowpocalypse 2011! Snow starting falling this morning and hasn’t stop. According to reports, it’s a complete whiteout with visibilty down to almost zero.

i just don’t want to go out and shovel my driveway, but eventually i know i will have to do it. 🙂 However i just might do some this afternoon after just seeing my neighbor shoveling his driveway……….