Snowpocalypse 2011: Pre-Storm

Posted by sbrammer | Current Events,Weekly Update | Monday 31 January 2011 3:58 pm

Sunday Night: Aftre church head to grocery store to pick up milk and bread. However the cheap bread was out, and there was a few loaves left of the middle-priced bread and a ton of expensive bread left. I then grabbed a gallon of milk and some other goodies.

Monday: went to work, then received an email around 12pm saying college will cancel afternoon\evening classes and college will officially close at 1pm due to pending inclement weather approaching the area. Did some last minute shopping. Backed the car into the driveway for the just-in-case i need to go someplace, it would be easier to get out. However I’m not planning to go anywhere until Wed unless i feel like having a snowball fight with people.

Chance of snow this evening: 80%
Chance of thunder snow tomorrow: 100%
Chance of snow Wed: 70%

This video was from one of our local TV stations, Sun evening:

Hopefully we won’t lose electricity, because most of the things that will keep my occupied require electricity. I could however read a book, or finish a book i started a while back.

Let the fun begin! 🙂